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Snowy Springs

A game about taking too much on without thinking about your own mental health.

You play as Alex, one of Snowy Springs inhabitants, who prides themselves on going out of their way to help others. Stop wasting time on your phone, go talk to your neighbours and see if they need any help but don't forget to look out for yourself!

It was developed over the last couple months by students at the National Film and Television School, Holly Hudson and Harvey Hayman. Snowy Springs was made possible with the help of our producer Bernardo Angeletti, sound designers Joseph Russell, Liam Sharpe, Lucas Lehmann and composers Umberto Gaudino and Nir Perlman. We're super proud of it and the game's themes are very close to
our own hearts.
















At its core, Snowy Springs is a game about taking too much on without thinking about your own mental health. It's meant as a twist on the cosy quest genre such as Stardew Valley and Animal Crossing that sees you carrying out chores with little thought to the strain this puts on yourself.

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